現在改到UE4的Git Hub了
I want to help everybody to easy use c++ libraries. 目前將所有編好的程式庫都放在google code上,
Now the compiled libraries are all put on google code. 網址:
有人要寫 nuget 或 visual studio 自動下載外掛嗎?
Is there anyone want to help me put this on nuget or visual studio plugin?
相信大家在使用zlib, libpng, fftw ... ... 等程式庫時,都會遇到麻煩的編譯與連結問題,
I think everybody use library like zlib, libpng, fftw...
Always have encounted some compile and linker trouble. 在上上個禮拜,我發現 boost 的 auto_link.hpp 這個神奇的標頭檔竟然會自動幫我連結正確的版本!
Two weeks ago, I found the auto_link.hpp from boost library.
This magic header helped me link correct version of library automatically!!! 耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶~~~~~~~~~~~~~
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 真是 真是 嚇死我了!!! I am really really surprised.
所以呢,我心中就有一個想法,把目前看得到的開源 程式庫都先編譯好,並把自動連結規則寫好放在 auto_link_libraryNAME.hpp 裡面
So, I have an idea, which is to build all open source library that I know.
And write the auto link rule in the auto_link_libraryNAME.hpp
舉個例來說: 要用 zlib 的人只需要 For example, if you want to use zlib you just need to
#include <auto_link_zlib.hpp> 在連結器的相依性都不用輸入半個字,就會連起來了! 這真是太神奇了!傑克!
You don't have to edit any property in VCProject =>linker=>input=>dependencies. 當然這些"糖果"對很多高手來說也是方便多多呀! 為什麼呢?因為有很多程式庫在 VS2008, msvc-10.0 都不是很好編譯呀~
Of course, these "candy" are also very convenient for pro.
Why? Because many libraries in VS2008, msvc-10.0 are not convenient to compile and link!
mingw configure:
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-static
目前計畫支援 Now support 一種組合 msvc-11.0 乘四種 MTd MT MDd MD 乘兩種(有些程式庫只有靜態) 動態 靜態
Dynamic Static 乘一種 x64
共 8 種組合,簡單來說100kb的code編完就50mb
Total 8 set, a 100kb code can output 50mb. 如果有任何的高手想要幫忙的話,就
If anyone who know Visual C++ library want to help me 意者寄信吧~ 我在精神上會感激你的XD
This is my email, I will thank you for everything you do! 信箱: 簡單講解一下命名規則
基本上與boost一樣,不同點在於不支援單執行緒。 檔名沒有對 vc9/vc10/vc11 做劃分, 原因在於大部份 c-style 的程式庫是沒有差別的, 只有在 C++-style 才有差,且可以共用auto link標頭檔
NameRule: //static MDd x64 : libzlib-gd-x64.lib //static MD x64 : libzlib-x64.lib //static MTd x64 : libzlib-sgd-x64.lib //static MT x64 : libzlib-s-x64.lib //dynamic MDd x64 : zlib-gd-x64.lib //dynamic MD x64 : zlib-x64.lib //dynamic MTd x64 : zlib-sgd-x64.lib //dynamic MT x64 : zlib-s-x64.lib 基本上就是這樣了,有需要的人就盡量載吧XD
Basically it's all, take it if you need. 對程式庫有問題請聯絡
And if you have problems with these libraries-prebuilt,
please contact
library list: